As part of our curriculum, we teach the children about relationships - some of this is included within our HeartSmart lessons, some in our PSHE lessons. Relationships are also discussed when we look at our Sex Education unit. Different elements of this unit are looked at in science (life cycles), HeartSmart, (peer pressue, relationships, family units and other areas) NSPCC Pants rule, e-safety and PSHE.
It is important that when we teach the children, it is done so in a sensitive and caring way being mindful that families can come in a range of different make-ups. As a Church of England school specifially, we believe that we are created in the image of God and that all people are special, loved and should be treated with fairness, kindness and no judgement.
In the Church of England's document on the new RSE curriculum, it states that: Everyone will be treated with dignity as all people are made in the image of God and loved equally by God.
You will find a question form below which you can pose queries to or you can look at some of the documents we use in school. Our main resource for the sex edcuation aspect of RSE comes from the Christopher Winter Project. We also use HeartSmart as this covers all the required objectives from the new DfE document relating to RSE. We are confident that we are teaching all the necessary units and in a way that is thoughtful, open and gives the children opportunity to ask questions and dig deeper into this key area.
Please have a look below at some of these resources and plans.
Any Questions
If you have any questions about our RSHE curriculum, the resources we use or the content of these lessons, please do ask.