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Love others (John 15:12); Everybody join in (Psalm 133:1); Always do your best (Colossians 3:23); Reach out (Luke 6:31); Never give up (Philippians 4:13).

Lowdham C of E Primary School

‘Shine Like Stars’

Class 6 - Miss Edmonds

Welcome to Class 6!



Thank you for visiting the Class 6 page. Class Dojo is the best place to find out what's going on in class, or if you'd like to contact me, but you can find some basic information here.


We do maths and English everyday, along with weekly Guided Reading sessions. I teach everyday, but Mrs Anderton teaches Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. Mrs Pizer is our fantastic TA.


Year 6 is an exciting year for the children. We have a musical production in the summer term, bikeability, and hopefully we will be going on a residential stay in the summer. The children will be given more responsibilities and we prepare them for their next adventure - secondary school!


You will find below a list of the topics covered over the year, and some useful information about SATs.


If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to message me on Dojo.


Thank you for your support,


Miss Edmonds


Autumn 1

Science: Living Things and their Habitats

Geography: Where in the World?

Computing: Coding and Internet Safety

PE: Basketball and Dance

Art: Digital photography


RE: Teaching, Wisdom and Authority


Autumn 2

Science: Animals including Humans 

History: Industrial Revolution in Nottingham

Computing: Spreadsheets and Internet Safety

PE: Gymnastics and Hockey

D&T: Waistcoasts

Music: Notes on the stave

RE: Incarnation


Spring 1

Science: Evolution and Inheritance

Geography: Global Trade

Computing: Networks and Internet Safety

PE: Dance

DT: Playground Structures


RE: Religion worldviews



Spring 2

Science: Light

Geography: The Changing World

Computing: Coding and Internet Safety

PE: Athletics and Fitness

Art: Textiles (Printing)

Music: Charanga 'Happy'

RE: Salvation



Summer 1

History: Mayans

Computing: Blogging and Internet Safety

PE: Tennis and Rounders

D&T: Steady Hand Game

Music: Performance

Salvation: Beliefs in Action in the World

Science: Electricity


Summer 2:

History: The Viking and Anglo Saxon Struggle

Computing: Microsoft Excel and Internet Safety

PE: Cricket and Athletics

Art: Viking Art

Music: Performance

RE: Beliefs in Action in the World


There are plenty of online activities available on the following websites: BBC, DK, Britannica, NAtGeo etc..




SATs will be held at school on the week beginning Monday 12th May 2025. We will be finished on the Thursday of that week.


At home, you can help your child prepare for the SATs by reassuring them that it is a good opportunity to practise what they've learned, and test themselves against a tough curriculum. Looking at past papers and study books is a good way to familiarise both you and your child with the likely SATs questions. Please remember that effective revision needs to suit your child, and sometimes, less is more! It is vital that your child has instant recall of all multiplication/division facts up to 12 x 12. This will help enormously!


Useful Links


The National Curriculum


Lowdham Class Dojo


Department for Education (SATS guidance)


Useful Maths Resources                 

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