Friary Homeless Charity
One of the charities which we will be supporting this year (2022) is The Friary Homeless Charity.
Our School Council voted for this one.
Below is a list of items that they would find very useful in their work.
You can donate any of these items to school (table in our foyer) and we will deliver them. They also need washing power, new socks, boxer shorts as they can give them out to the people who come through the door. Very often, the Friary give people access to showers and clean their clothes for them.
Sugar – all types
Tinned tomatoes
Baked beans
Tinned meat
Tinned fish
Small bottles water
Small bottles of drinks
Cooking oil – all types
Flour SR or plain
Pot noodles
Snack food – cereal bars, crisps, nuts
Toilet rolls
Washing up liquid
Washing powder