Class 3 - Miss Ingham
Hello all!
Mrs Winter, Miss Haslam-Welch and I are all so excited to be teaching your children this year! We have a lot of amazing opportunities and experiences to fit in this year. This is my second year teaching at Lowdham Primary and I am really looking forward to seeing the progress that Class 3 make over the course of the year!
Class Dojo is a great way for you to get in contact with me if you have any concerns or questions, and it will also be a place where you can keep up to date with the amazing things we will be getting up to this year.
Please read below for a breakdown of what we will be getting up to this year!
Miss Ingham
Our Routines:
- We have PE on a Monday and Friday afternoon
- Mrs McNichol will be teaching Geography/History and PSHE on Wednesday afternoons.
- Spellings will be tested on a Wednesday.
Autumn 1:
Our book for this term is called 'The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark.' We will be using this book in our English lessons as inspiration for a lot of our writing opportunities. This also links into out Science topic of 'Animals Including Humans' where we will be looking at the role that muscles and bones play in our bodies, as well as investigating the similarities and differences between the skeletons of different animals. Mrs McNichol will be conducting a Fieldwork investigation in Geography and we will be using the Glockenspiels in Music for the term.
Autumn 2:
For Autumn 2, we will be reading the book 'The Iron Man' in English. This book is a favourite of mine and provides lots of creative writing opportunities for us! Our science topic will be Forces and Magnets and will link up with our trip to Woolsthorpe Manor, the former home of Sir Isaac Newton! For History, we will begin looking at what Lowdham and Nottingham looked like in the past and how they have changed over the years and we will be looking at how to make mechanisms in DT.
Spring 1:
In this term, we will be looking at Rocks in Science which links perfectly to our topics of Volcanoes and Earthquakes in Geography and our book of 'Escape to Pompeii' in English. We will be using our knowledge of Volcanoes to help us build sculptures in Art for this term and we will be beginning to rehearse for our Easter Production with the year 4s.
Spring 2:
This term is a busy term, which concludes with our Easter Production. We have a trip to the Stone Centre this term and we will be beginning to learn all about Light in Science. We will be reading another favourite book of mine, 'The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe' in English. DT this term will be learning how to use electrical systems to design and make a working torch!
Summer 1:
In the Summer term we will be having swimming lessons on Monday afternoons. More information will be sent out on Dojo about this.
We will be learning all about plants in Science and linking this learning to our topic of Rainforests in Geography. We will be using Rainforests as inspiration for some drawing and painting in Art and using a book called 'The Kapok Tree' for writing in English.
Summer 2:
Our final History topic of the year will be looking at how Britain changed from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, linking to our English book of 'Stone Age Boy'. We will be using charcoal to create images in Art and learning all about different Inspirational people in RE. Swimming will continue this term on Mondays.