Class 5 - Mr Wagstaff
Welcome to the Class 5 page
Our topics change every half-term and lessons are cross curricular wherever possible. Within the topics, we focus on key skills and knowledge. In all subjects we want to inspire curiosity and we encourage the children to ask questions.
Maths and English is taught every day in the mornings. This is usually followed by a 'Guided Reading' session. We complete homework once a week and have our spelling test on a Thursday morning. The afternoons are made up foundation subjects with PE on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Our topics for the year are set out below, and these are supported with a wide variety of trips and visitors.
Autumn 1:
English: Ancient Greek Myths and Legends
Maths: Place Value/Addition & Subtraction/Multiplication & Division
Science: Animals Including Humans
R.E: Understanding Christianity
History: Ancient Greece
Computing: Coding
French: Directions
P.E: Football/Fitness
D.T: Pop-up books
Heartsmart: Get Heartsmart!
Autumn 2:
English: Shine
Maths: Multiplication & Division/ Fractions
Science: Earth and Space
R.E: Incarnation
Geography: Where in the World?
Computing: Spreadsheets
P.E: Basketball/Dance
Art: Space Art
Music: Gustav Holst 'Mars'
Heartsmart: Don't Forget to Let Love In!
Spring 1:
English: The Piemakers
Maths: Multiplication & Division/Fractions/Decimals & Percentages
Science: Properties and Changes of Materials
R.E: Beliefs in Action in the World
Geography: Leicester Fieldwork
Computing: Databases
P.E: Orienteering/Gymnastics
D.T: Cooking and Nutrition: Bread Making
Heartsmart: Too Much Selfie Isn't Healthy
French: Food and Drink
Spring 2:
English: The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Maths: Decimals & Percentages/Perimeter & Area/Statistics
Science: Forces
R.E: Salvation
Geography: Rivers
Computing: Game Creators
P.E: Tag Rugby/Tennis
Art: Collage
Heartsmart: Don't Hold on to What's Wrong!
Summer 1:
English: Beowulf
Maths: Shape/Position & Direction/Decimals
Science: Living Things and their Habitats
R.E: Inspirational People in Today's World
History: Anglo Saxons and Scots
Computing: 3D Modelling
P.E: Cricket/Athletics
D.T: Structures: Bridges
Heartsmart: Fake is a Mistake!
Music: Summer Production
Summer 2:
English: Carrie's War
Maths: Decimals/Negative Numbers/Converting Units/Volume
Science: Science Investigations
R.E: Beliefs and Questions
History: Education in the Past
Computing: Coding
P.E: Outdoor & Adventurous Activities/Rounders
Art: Drawing: Henry Moore
Heartsmart: 'No Way Through' Isn't True!
Music: Summer Production