Collective Worship
We meet daily as a school to worship God, to pray, to sing and to share stories either from the Bible, such as the Parables (stories Jesus told) or stories with morals or values.
This is a hugely important time of the day for us as a school community and the time when the whole school comes together.
We have various themes that run through the year and each one builds upon one of our school values or on a Biblical thread: Miracles, Bible Heroes, Fruit of the Spirit. This year we are focusing on a 'Walk through the Bible' to develop our understanding of why the Bible is so important for Christians.
We also have many visitors who come to lead Collective Worship. Our local Vicar, Rev Anna Alls, visits us regularly, as do Jo & Chris from St Mary's Lowdham, Metro Schools Network and our local friend Roger from Riverside Church.
All of these people (and many more) come into school to share their lives, stories and their faith so the children can hear and see and develop for themselves the ability to think deeply and widely, to empathise and to learn about the world.
Whole School Prayers
At Lowdham C of E Primary School we have 5 whole school prayers linked to our five Lowdham Learner Values. The prayers have been developed and written by children and adults to be regularly used in Collective Worship and daily school life. The prayers are shared in Collective Worship by our 'Leading Lights' (pupil worship leaders).
Well-being week - the story
NCC Agreed Syllabus for R.E
Collective Worship from our friend Roger!