The school day.
Our school day begins at 08:55 and ends at 15:30. This means the children are in school for 6 hours 35 minutes a day or 32 hours 55 minutes per week. We also operate a slightly earlier open door/gate policy where the gates for the back playground are opened at 08:45 allowing children from Y2 and older to come onto the grounds where a member of staff is present; and Classes Reception and 1 open their doors (front playground) at 08:45 allowing the children time to come in and wash their hands before the school day begins.
The official start of our day is 08:55.
The government have released their education white paper which stipulates that all schools from September '22 must be open for children for 32.5 hours - we cover more than that at this present time.
We also have wraparound care for those parents who require it.
If your child is late or absent, please phone through to the office (01159663358).
It is possible to send a message to your child's class teacher through our Class Dojo but it is really important that you call the office too as the teacher may miss this message.
The whistle is blown at 08:55 in the morning and the gates are locked at 09:00 for safeguarding purposes.
If you arrive at school after this time, please come into school via the main office. You will have the opportunity to register your child as late and give a reason on the system there.
We understand that children can be unwell and don't want them to come into school if they are genuinely ill. We follow Nottinghamshire County Council's policy in this, especially if they have been sick - 48 hours before a child can come back into school.
Every school day counts!