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Love others (John 15:12); Everybody join in (Psalm 133:1); Always do your best (Colossians 3:23); Reach out (Luke 6:31); Never give up (Philippians 4:13).

Lowdham C of E Primary School

‘Shine Like Stars’

In the news...

 Read an article relating to our recent SIAMS inspection here in the Newark Advertiser


We were visited by BBC Newsround who spoke to some of our pupils about the impact of flooding on our local community. Pupils were able to share their experiences and tell their stories to raise awareness of how flooding affect peoples lives. Please see the following report on BBC Newsround LINK



Read an article relating to our recent Ofsted inspection here in the Newark Advertiser.



Miss Ingham worked with a few of our children as part of our Eco Team. They worked in the village (Lowdham) to tidy up the area, collect recycling and place a few posters designed by the children to raise awareness of litter and how we can care for the environment.

Full article HERE.
