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Love others (John 15:12); Everybody join in (Psalm 133:1); Always do your best (Colossians 3:23); Reach out (Luke 6:31); Never give up (Philippians 4:13).

Lowdham C of E Primary School

‘Shine Like Stars’

Pupil Council

We have a strong and active Pupil Council here at Lowdham CofE Primary. It is made up of 12 children and is chaired by one of our confident and articulate members of Class 6.

We aim to meet several times a term where we discuss what we can do to improve our school, what the children are excited about or have questions about and how we can best support different charities. We also look at safety and plan out key events through the year.


We also agree not to talk about a new swimming pool... every week!


The minutes from each meeting are displayed in the hall and are available below. We pray to begin our time together, agree on the minutes from the last meeting then get stuck into whatever topics have arisen.

Pupil Council 24-25
