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Love others (John 15:12); Everybody join in (Psalm 133:1); Always do your best (Colossians 3:23); Reach out (Luke 6:31); Never give up (Philippians 4:13).

Lowdham C of E Primary School

‘Shine Like Stars’

Our 'Change Makers' Initiative

Change Makers


Here at Lowdham C of E Primary we talk a lot about ‘Change Makers’. A Change Maker is someone who demonstrates that they go above and beyond to do something they believe in, even if it means sacrificing something themselves. Our pupils learn what it means to be an ‘upstander’ rather than being a ‘bystander’ - someone who stands up for what is right even when no one else does.


We have lots of pupils who have chosen to do something to bring a positive change to someone else’s world. For example, several have had their hair cut to donate to the Little Princess Trust; others have raised money to give to a charity that they think is worthwhile; some have donated their pocket money to support families who don’t have enough; and others have simply reached out to help someone in need. It’s not only about giving but also about raising awareness. For example, last year Class 4 worked with the Environmental Agency to create a presentation about the Lowdham flood alleviation scheme.  We also invited BBC Newsround into school to interview some of our pupils who had been affected by the most recent flooding.


As part of our shared learning, we also find out about people around the world who are Change Makers; people like Malala Yousafzai, Harriet Tubman and Martin Luther King. Our aim is for our pupils to have a deeper awareness of how to show love and respect and have care and compassion for all people regardless of their ethnicity, religion, position in life, status or views. Through promoting ‘Change Makers’ we encourage the children to think about how they can create a positive change and how they can make a difference. 


At Lowdham we believe that it is key for children to understand that they have a role to play in the world they live in and that they can be a small part of a change for good. Our Lowdham Learner values to ‘love others’ and ‘reach out’ enable children to understand how their positive actions can benefit others.  By making a stand against injustice or by simply persevering in the face of barriers they themselves are Change Makers!
